WSTR Interview

WSTRs latest album „Identity Crisis“ has been out for almost a year now and after supporting „The Faim“ in mainland Europe earlier this year they finally came back to play some headline shows in Germany.
In Hannover we were lucky enough to sit down with Sammy Clifford, the lead singer, before playing maybe the sweatiest show on this run. We talked about some huge shows they did with „The Offspring“ recently  as well as the possibility of a My Chemical Romance reunion, circus acts and new music which might or might not be coming soon….

Rabea: The last days you played shows supporting The Offspring, how was that?

Sammy: These shows were really special! „Conspiracy of One“ was the first CD I ever bought, even though it was only two shows, it was a big deal - for me especially. Yeah, it was awesome! Those guys have been going since the 80s and their crowds are still huge. I forgot how many hits they actually have, like every single song I was like „radio, radio, radio“! The catering was good, we ate a lot. 

R: Did you get to meet or even hang out with them?

S: No...I did stand by „Noodles“, the guitarist, in the toilets and that’s about as far as we got. *laughs*. I guess they've been doing it for a long, long time so...

R: Yeah true! If you could tour with any band, who would you choose? 

S: That’s got to be the My Chemical Romance reunion tour at Area 51! 

R: Do you really think they‘re gonna do a reunion tour?

S: I mean it's a conspiracy theory...I feel like everyone‘s got their price so yeah I do [believe they‘ll come back]. Feels like I should say „No“ for the meme but I'm gonna say yes.

R: Your album has been out for nearly a year now, is there any new music coming soon? 

S: Yes! I can't talk about it in too much depth but all I'm saying is: it's coming pretty soon. Like after this tour. 

R: Is there anything else you can tell me about it? 

S: We've been working alot. We never stop writing! Obviously we’ve had a lot of member changes but each time we really feel like we are getting closer to what we think is a WSTR sound. Each record has its time and place and I feel like with “Identity Crisis” we used it as a stepping stone. I've described it before as an awkward inbetween hair stage. Which is no shade on the music or what it was about! “Identity Crisis” opened [things] up a little bit. Whatever we are gonna do next isn't gonna be too mad but different.

Alex: Picking up on the member changes you mentioned before, has song writing changed for you somehow? 

S: No! The way we write songs has always been the same. It's been me [and] a guitarist. I wrote the first record with Swifty, who is no longer in the band, and the second record with Kieren Alder. It was me and him bouncing [ideas] off each other, we’d do it like that. Then the third record was with Swifty again and now it’s just me and Boots but we've been doing some pretty exciting stuff! We've been working with outside songwriters for the first time and some cool names, that we can't really talk about right now, out in LA, which has been a really nice experience! 

R: Do the outside songwriters make a big difference on how you write songs then? Because you used to write all of the lyrics yourself, didn't you?

S: I still write ALL of the lyrics! I’ll always do that, I’m a bit of a control freak when it comes to that stuff. 

A: What’s the best advice anyone has ever given you? Whether it’s music related or just general life advice.   

S: We pick up advice every day really...from experienced managers and we do a lot of support tours so we hang out with bands that are more experienced [as well]. A good friend of mine that I respect quite a lot once gave me some advice when we were on [our first] support tour in the States. We were drinking and partying all the time so he was like “You do you but just be careful! You don't want to make a habit out of [drinking alcohol] everyday - just do it in moderation.” 

[I’m] trying to take in things and inspiration from other people. Just be nice to everyone. Also don't worry about any other band but your own. It‘s your own business at the end of the day. It doesn't matter what tour anyone else is doing. You just gotta concentrate on what you're doing and do it the best you can. 

A: Now onto a more fun question. When all of you dyed your hair a lot of people were comparing WSTR to a circus, so if you guys really were a circus who would be doing what?

S: I guess Alex could do something on a trapeze because he’s super tall, that’d be kind of funny to see! Boots would do something extreme like fire breathing, for sure! He can handle any hot sauce so I feel like if he'd actually breathe fire it wouldn't affect him. Then Kurtis is actually quite good with magic tricks! He does all the drumsticks things like pulling them out of nowhere so I guess he'd be the magician. What would I do? Can I be the guy with the top hat?

R: I feel like you'd do something crazy outrageous...

S: Maybe just for the attention...just run in there, do something unplanned, ruin the show. 

R: Yes *laughs* but I definitely see the top hat! 

S: Oh! Of course I'd just be the clown, the juggling clown! 

R: Okay we’ve got a last and very random question. What would you rather: have edible spaghetti hair that grows every night or sweat maple syrup?

S: I like maple syrup but I feel like my hair is already a bit like spaghetti. Do I have to just eat it straight or could I put sauce on it, though? That’s just a lot of carbs! 

A: You could put sauce on it! 

R: *laughs* I mean you don't have to eat it - it’s just edible! 

S: But if I don‘t eat it and it just grows every night, it would grow really long! 

A: Yes, it would grow infinitely!  

S: Wow...infinitely! Yeah...maple syrup would just be sticky, I’d get sickly after a while and if I don't have to eat the spaghetti I guess I'm taking the spaghetti hair! It’s also good for energy so if needed a quick bowl of pasta [I’d just eat my hair]! 

A: You could probably solve world hunger. 

S: I literally could solve world hunger with my hair so it's got to be [spaghetti]! Maple syrup sounds dope for just a week so it’s got to be spaghetti!

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