
Not too long ago Woes released their debut album “Awful Truth”. We spoke with them before it came out and now got the chance to catch up. We (Rabea and Cat) sat down with lead singer DJ before one of their shows supporting WSTR in Germany to talk about all things that happened since our last interview with them as well as weird venues, potato crisps, bad luck and the possibility of an acoustic EP...

Rabea: So what happened since we last talked? Can you give us a little update?

DJ: Yes our album came out which was great! Everybody seemed to like it. We‘ve done a headline tour in the UK which went amazingly, it went really, really good. Apart from that we’ve had a couple of weeks off which is good because everyone is super busy in their personal lives just now. It was nice to be cut off for a little bit. And I got hit by a car...

R: That’s awful! What happened?

DJ: Someone else just didn’t see me and drove into me, basically. 

R: It was quite recently, wasn’t it?

DJ: Tuesday [4 Days ago]! I was in the hospital on Tuesday and now I am here in Bochum on Saturday. I left my house with the van at 4 o’clock yesterday and we got here at 4PM today and obviously [with] the time difference that’s like 23 hours and I wasn’t driving the whole time but I was in the van the whole time, which was bad. [...] The best therapy is to play rock shows [though]! But even a doctor would tell you the worst thing you could be doing is sitting in a van for 23 hours! 

Cat: How are you dealing with not being at home so much?

DJ: Being away from home is tricky, like I said earlier, everyone is super busy. We all got stuff going on in our own lives...jobs and families and all that good stuff so it’s really, really difficult to balance the two. Luckily everyone at home is pretty supportive of what we’re doing. They all make big sacrifices for us to come and do this. Yeah it’s hard to be away and what makes it even harder is that we’re from a part of the world (Scotland) where it’s quite difficult to get to England and then to get to mainland Europe. Everything’s an extra day of travelling each way. But playing rockshows is the best and this is what we signed up for! 

C: Is there going to be some headline European shows?

DJ: I don’t know...there was gonna be one at one point. We were going to be doing a headline [tour] just now but then theses two shows with WSTR and then Europe with The Faim and Europe with Roam & With Confidence came up. So if we’re doing a headline tour in Europe it would be early next year. We’ll do it when it makes sense but right now we’ve got far too many [support shows] in Europe to justify [a headline tour]. 

C: Do you think there’s going to be some sort of in-between EP, maybe an acoustic one? 

DJ: Yeah...I don‘t think [there‘ll be] an acoustic EP, that would be boring to me. 

R: I feel like a lot of people would want an acoustic EP though! 

DJ: Probably [but] we have done some acoustic stuff and it just doesn’t inspire me that much. 

R: Who in the band do you think has the worst luck apart from you having the accident? 

DJ: Still me! I’m very clumsy. Well me and Ryan have the worst luck, but my luck has been worse than his recently. 

R: What is the funniest / worst thing you have ever heard anyone say about you and/or the band?

DJ: I think there’s some really funny, super negative reviews of the album that we quite enjoyed. There were one or two people who f*cking hated it. I can’t remember any quotes but they did not have anything nice to say about any song, that always makes me laugh. Then somebody tweeted something recently that everybody jumped on. This one person was trying to have a go at us for always being a support band but that’s what bands do on their first album?! We’re just a good support band, that’s why we get so many support slots! *laughs*

C: If you could invent something to change the travel aspect of tours. What would it be?

DJ: The problem is I could fly everywhere but its too expensive. So what would be good would be to invent a lower-cost form of air travel or a bullet train or something like that. The problem for a band is you really have to drive, because driving is the only economic way to do it. It’d be good if you could fly somewhere and it was cheaper! So that’s what I’d invent. 

C: If there was any potato chip flavour that doesn’t exist and you could invent it what would it be?

DJ: I just want to have all my favourite meals but as potato chips. I make really, really great chilli nachos so I make really, really great chilli and really, really great nachos and when I put those two together the result is even better than the two of those apart. Oh, and a lot of hot sauce! Yeah, that’s what I would make: chilli nachos with hot sauce flavoured potato chips. 

C: What is the weirdest thing you have ever seen or experienced in a venue or backstage area?

DJ: The weirdest thing that I can say, that’s not going to get me in trouble, is when we played Download and we met Korn and we were just chatting as if they were some band our size.

R: We already talked about touring a lot so what are some of the most annoying habits or things the guys in your band have or do that just annoy everyone else on those long drives? 

DJ: Luke always takes ages to do anything. He’s always the last one to be served at any restaurant when we go out. The others think I’m really slow but I’m not! Ryan doesn’t really do anything that annoys me...yeah he’s fine. Sean can get a little grumpy, but everyone does on tour. Yeah, Luke is just the worst...*laughs* 

R: But you still love him *laughs* 

DJ: Yeah. 

R: Last but not least: do you think pineapple belongs on pizza?

DJ: Yes! 

R: That’s a solid yes. 

DJ: Yes it’s not like my favourite pizza but it’s good!

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