The Neighborhood Interview (long)

                Full Interview with Jesse from The Neighborhood

M: As the year has just begun, do you guys have any New Year’s Resolutions as a band?

J: Playing SNL has always been something.. and any other Late Night we haven’t played, like Colbert, would be really cool. But SNL, yeah!

But that’s not really a New Year’s Resolution. I feel like it’s just a goal in general. This year though… It’s not really anything outspoken but we’re writing a lot of new music and it just feels like… I mean, I guess I could spill the beans. It doesn’t really matter, fuck it: We’re making a new record. We’re already in the process and it’s going really smoothly and nicely. It’s been really fun, to be honest. That’s like the main thing, that’s the most important. But yeah, [the main goal is] getting this record done.

R: That’s something I wanted to ask because I read that you’ve started to jam a lot more as a band. Did that help the writing process?

J: It helped everything. It’s like a form of communication. When somebody speaks a different language and you’re able to have that connection with them or when you play video games, that’s like a language that people can speak without ever having to talk with actual words and I think music is one of those forms of communications. When you get in a room with people that know how to do it you start talking and then you learn when to be quiet, you know what I mean?! We didn’t do that enough. It’s like a weird magical kind of feeling – It’s so basic but so cool.

M: Releasing new stuff that’s kind of different, is that scary to you?

J: No, we don’t think of it that way, really. We’ve been doing that since the beginning, in our opinion. We’ve always kind of just done what we would like to do and experiment along the way, but still making it ‘pop’, I guess. And I feel like that was kind of always – sorry to go back to it – something that feels good about how we’re writing now and jamming and stuff. Because, as free as we ever were, we still have the idea of ‘pop’ and there’s probably a lot of me always wanting that. And also how we got our start and our first song that really did something for us. I always considered that a fucking pop song even though the world sees it as an alternative rock song. It has always felt like pop to me. And I think once we broke that idea down, too, it made it way better.

M: Is there anything you haven’t tried out yet that you’ve kind of shied away from?

J: Yes and no. I’m trying not to do everything I want to fucking do, now. I won’t have an identity, I wouldn’t know who I am. I know I CAN write all these types of different songs and that’s cool but there’s something that people identify me with when it comes to music, and then there’s other songs that they maybe do not [identify me with] as much and I understand that but also I'd like the people that listen to our music to accept me and what I’m doing. 

R: You think writing music helps you figuring out who you are?

J: Fully. It’s crucial for me, like health-wise, you know what I mean? I don’t know what it’s like not to do it. Ever since I feel like I’ve kind of just done it.

M: Does other media inspire your writing like books or movies?

J: Yeah, probably everything. Kind of can’t help it. Especially nowadays. I have the inspiration-machine constantly on me (takes out his phone). But I think that’s a good thing.

R: If you could support any artist, who would you choose?

J: Like support them as a fan or go on tour and open for them?

R/M: Open for them!

J: Uhhh… (laughs) Nobody ever! (jokes) No, I genuinely think if we went on tour with SZA that would be a cool tour. I like what she does. Rihanna, too, that would be so sick. Weeknd would be dope. And I’m not just naming my favorite things – not that they’re not things that I love, I definitely love all of [them] – but I also like being conscious of our crowds and music. 

R: Are there any conspiracy theories you believe in?

M: Or the rest of the guys?

J: Oh yeah, that’s really a question for them! Probably all of them in a way. Like anybody can lie. We’re all capable of it. It doesn’t matter how powerful or weak you are in the chain of the system. You could be born a liar, some people are just so equipped with that capability and manipulation. I think we all can but some people use it more for evil. I could almost believe anything but also really think everything is just fucking complete bullshit. Because we all need a reason to believe in SOMETHING to give us hope or the idea that ‘I wanna wake up tomorrow and still keep going’ and I don’t know… I’m going too far.

R: No, it’s alright. I mean conspiracy theories go everywhere.

M: Yeah, we had a long conversation about everything.

J: So, what do you guys think?

R: I don’t know. It could be anything

J: Exactly, you just don’t know at the end of the day.

M: Yeah sometimes I wake up and I think everything is fine and then the next day I feel like my life and everything is a complete lie.

R: But I don’t think you should get into that too deep because it’ll make you paranoid.

J: Well, you’re right, it does. And with the way that media is now, we’re pretty much able to control it. I know they put like blocks on certain things and whatever but for the most part we’re all out here like ‘This is what I think’. And some people take it to an extreme and make it something that other people are going to believe… like how do you call the bullshit? It’s so hard to know now because the top of the top are bullshitting right to our faces. I mean I come from America. We’re like the Land of the Bullshit. And right now it’s on a new level where it’s just like ‘guys, come on!’. I don’t know, it’s made me question everything, even myself. Like ‘fuck, I guess I’m fucking full of shit no matter what, too.’ It just makes me think about everything. It does make you crazy. 

R: So.... there’s a conspiracy theory about you as well?!

J: There is?

R: I don’t think so, but we can make one up now.

J: Yeah, YOU GUYS gotta make one up. 

(everyone laughing)

M: How do you feel about social media? Do you feel you have to take breaks sometimes just because it’s too much [to deal with]?

J: I guess any sensation you’ve felt in your life, the second time you feel it is just never as good as the first time. So the gazillionth time you’ve felt it, to me, is just not as exciting anymore. 

R: It becomes normal.

J: Yeah, normal and numb. Numb I would call it. It’s how I even feel about shopping or something now. I’ve loved doing that my whole life and now I’m kind of just like ‘I just don’t wanna walk around and do this as much’. I’ll still go to a fucking store and love buying something but I used to be able to do it just out of comfort almost, you know?! And now it doesn’t feel that way. And I think with social media… If I’m doing other shit, I don’t give a fuck about social media. It’s when I’m not busy enough working on creating art, that’s when I am on it too much and I’m in my head about it and comparing so much. Because when you look at that shit all the time – and you can’t help it – [you’re] like ‘Oh you’re better than me. You’re prettier than me. You’re less successful than me, so this is good.’ That, to me, is what it does. And I think that’s why a lot of people unfollow a bunch of people and I’ve done that several times before. Might do it again. It definitely affects me. But it is what it is. And if it dies, it might all die together. It might be the kind of thing where it’s ‘Oh Instagram? We don’t use that anymore’ like what MySpace was for me when I was a fucking teenager. 

R: Yeah with Instagram not being chronological…

J: That’s what I always hear. Is that true?

M/R: Yeah!

J: Well, I do notice my pictures – it fluctuates but right now I get 40,000 less likes than I used to. It changes all the fucking time. So now that it’s not chronological, what do they put…? Just the most popping shit?

R: I’ve noticed if I like a certain person’s pictures more, I see them more often on my timeline. But then I go to someone’s profile and I follow them, I haven’t seen any of their recent posts, 

even if they post every day. 

M: Some pictures kind of just get ‘lost’ because you don’t tap on those people’s posts as often.

J: Damn. Now I’m wondering how much I’m missing but also I don’t know if I’m mad about missing that much. 

R: Maybe someone’s wondering why you stopped liking their pictures. 

J: Ugh, I know I’m wondering that about people all the time! That’s one of the reasons why social media sucks. When somebody likes one certain type of picture and they don’t like another I’m like ‘I don’t get it. What did I do for you in this one?’ But also some days I’m like ‘I’m in a good mood. Who do I follow? Let’s like everything!’ and then other days I’m like (unbothered) ‘That’s sick… but whatever’.

R: Okay, last question. Does pineapple belong on pizza?

J: (Hesitant) I like pineapple with crispy bacon on pizza. Yes, I do like that. There are other guys in this band that would strongly disagree with me. (To R.:) I can tell you do not like pineapple on pizza.

R: No, and also I’m a vegetarian.

J: Ohh (laughs) I’m so sorry. I fucked that up hard. Now you really got to start a conspiracy theory and if it’s a bad one, I understand. 

M: You’ll read it online.

R: We’ll make an entire hour long youtube video out of it. (laughs)

J: Do what you gotta do!

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